Studies of Psychology and Behavior ›› 2015, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (3): 428-432.

• Original Articles • Previous Articles    

A Review on Research of Music Tension

Wang Na,Liu Tuanli   

  1. The Department of Musical Education, The College of Tianjin Musical, Tianjin 300171; The Educational Science College, Normal College, He Nan, Xinyan 464000
  • Received:2015-03-18 Online:2015-07-03 Published:2015-05-20



  1. 天津音乐学院音乐教育系,天津 300171;信阳师范学院教育科学学院,信阳 464000
  • 通讯作者: 王娜,Email:。

Abstract: Musical tension refers to audience’s relaxation or tension which is caused by their expectations in the process of listening to music. Musical tension can arouse audience emotion. Musical tension can be divided into inherent tension and playing tension. Factors that affect musical tension include musical expectation, musical structure, wake-up and activation. Theories of musical tension mainly include Schenkerian Analysis Theory, Tonal Music Generation Theory, Models of Melody Expectation and Information Theory. Finally, we discuss the characteristics of the development of musical tension, the physiological reaction to musical tension, and research methods.

Key words: musical tension, musical elements, musical expectation, music mood.

摘要: 音乐张力是指在倾听音乐的过程中,由听众的期待引起的放松或紧张感。音乐张力具有激发情绪的功能。音乐张力包括内在张力和演凑张力两种。影响音乐张力的因素有音乐期待、音乐结构、唤醒和激活等。音乐张力的理论主要有申克式分析理论、调性音乐生成理论、旋律期待模型和信息理论。最后探讨了音乐张力的发展特点、音乐张力的生理反映以及研究方法。

关键词: 音乐张力, 音乐要素, 音乐期待, 音乐情绪。

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