The Effect of Gonadal Hormones on Aggression in Women
WANG Xu, LIU Yanling, ZHANG Mingyue, ZHU Ni, YAN Ling
2024, 22(5):
DOI: 10.12139/j.1672-0628.2024.05.007
Regarding the effects of gonadal hormones on female aggression, no definitive conclusions have been drawn to date. This study employed both questionnaire and experimental methods to explore the relationship between fluctuations in female gonadal hormones and their aggression. A total of 25 regularly menstruating adult women were selected as participants, of whom the aggressive cognition, emotions, and behaviors were measured during the mid-follicular phase, late-follicular phase, and mid-luteal phase. The results showed that during the mid-luteal phase, as estradiol and progesterone levels in women increased, there was a tendency toward reduced aggressive cognition and emotional fluctuations. Additionally, no significant differences in aggressive behaviors were observed across these three phases. Our findings suggest that, across different stages of the menstrual cycle, women’s aggressive cognition and emotions may fluctuate in response to the changes in gonadal hormone levels.