心理与行为研究 ›› 2024, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (3): 289-296.DOI: 10.12139/j.1672-0628.2024.03.001

• 基础心理学 •    下一篇


张旭亮1, 谢琅1,2, 殷舒琦1, 余可可1,3, 王瑞明1,3   

  1. 1. 华南师范大学心理应用研究中心/心理学院,广州 510631;
    2. 深圳市福田区福新小学,深圳 518046;
    3. “儿童青少年阅读与发展”教育部哲学社会科学实验室(华南师范大学),广州 510631
  • 收稿日期:2023-08-07 出版日期:2024-05-20 发布日期:2024-05-20
  • 通讯作者: 余可可,E-mail:wangrm@scnu.edu.cn;余可可,E-mail:kkyu@m.scnu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Lexical Properties and Cognitive Processing Differences Between the Violent Words and Emotional Words

ZHANG Xuliang1, XIE Lang1,2, YIN Shuqi1, YU Keke1,3, WANG Ruiming1,3   

  1. 1. Center for Studies of Psychological Application, School of Psychology, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631;
    2. Shenzhen Fuxin Primary School, Shenzhen 518046;
    3. Philosophy and Social Science Laboratory of Reading and Development in Children and Adolescents (South China Normal University), Guangzhou 510631
  • Received:2023-08-07 Online:2024-05-20 Published:2024-05-20

摘要: 暴力词与情绪词存在一定联系,但两者的差异还需做进一步探讨。研究1采用词汇评定任务考察两者的词汇特征差异,结果显示,与情绪词相比,暴力词的愉悦度、优势度、趋向度和熟悉度更低,唤醒度、攻击性和伤害性更高。社会情绪性和唤醒度是评价和区分两者更为综合的指标。研究2采用词汇判断任务和类别判断任务考察两者的认知加工差异,结果显示,两者的反应时存在差异,并受到实验任务的调节。综合来看,暴力词与情绪词在词汇特征和认知加工上均存在不同。基于情绪二维模型提出的暴力词双维度模型有助于更好地解释暴力词的特殊性。

关键词: 暴力词, 情绪词, 词汇特征, 社会情绪性, 认知加工

Abstract: Violent words are related to emotional words, but the traditional dimensions describing the lexical properties of emotional words may not capture the key properties of violent words. In addition, it is unclear how violent words differ from emotional words in cognitive processing and whether this difference shows itself differently across experimental tasks. Study 1 examined the differences in lexical properties between violent words and emotional words through a lexical rating task. The results showed that, compared to emotional words, violent words had lower scores of pleasure, dominance, tendency, and familiarity, and higher scores of arousal, aggression, and injury. The results of the principal component factor analysis further showed that socio-emotional properties and arousal were the two more integrated indicators for evaluating and distinguishing violent words from emotional words. Study 2 explored the cognitive processing differences between violent words and emotional words through a lexical judgment task and a category judgment task. The results showed that cognitive processing of violent words and emotional words differed in response time, and were moderated by the experimental task. Combining the results of the two studies, it is evident that violent words differ from emotional words in both lexical properties and cognitive processing, suggesting the specificity of violent words. The proposed two-dimensional model of violent words based on the two-dimensional model of emotions helps to explain the specificity of violent words better.

Key words: violent words, emotional words, lexical properties, socio-emotional properties, cognitive processing
