Studies of Psychology and Behavior ›› 2015, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (3): 311-319.

• Original Articles • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Influence of Visibility Range and Degree of Urgency on Efficiency of Evacuation: Mediating Effect of Herding Behavior

Xu Yang,Li Hong   

  1. Department of Psychology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084
  • Received:2014-04-30 Online:2015-07-03 Published:2015-05-20



  1. 清华大学心理学系,北京 100084
  • 通讯作者: 李虹,E-mail:。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Theories and studies indicate that, some situational factors including the visibility range of individual and the degree of urgency, and some individual factors such as the locus of control and gender, might be the important factors that influence the herding behavior. But these assumptions have not been tested by laboratory experiments. In this study, we use simulated evacuation drill to explore the possible influences that the factors mentioned above on herding behavior, and discuss the mediating effect of herding behavior in the relationship between these factors and the efficiency of evacuation. We build the software framework of the simulated evacuation environment, in order to conduct the research. The simulating environment is a set of computer programs that compose of the server side and the client side. The main findings are: 1)The visibility range and the degree of urgency have significant influence on the herding behavior during evacuation. 2)Herding behavior has significant mediating effect in the relationship between the visibility range and the efficiency of evacuation.

Key words: herding behavior, evacuation efficiency, visibility range, degree of urgency, simulated evacuation drill.

摘要: 采用人机交互环境下的模拟技术为虚拟逃生疏散效率研究提供新的证据。具体探讨视野范围和紧急程度对疏散效率的影响,并进一步探讨从众行为对上述关系的中介作用。在自己搭建的基于计算机局域网的模拟疏散演练环境中,采用多名被试(最多可以60名)同时参与模拟疏散演练的手段进行实验。主要结果:(1)视野范围越大,从众程度越高;(2)在小视野范围条件下,紧急程度越高,从众程度越低;(3)在大视野范围条件下,紧急程度对从众程度没有显著影响。结论:(1)视野范围和紧急程度会影响从众行为,视野范围越大紧急程度越高,从众倾向越明显;(2)从众行为对视野范围与疏散效率之间的关系具有不完全中介作用,对紧急程度和疏散效率之间的关系不存在中介作用。

关键词: 从众行为, 疏散效率, 视野范围, 紧急程度, 模拟疏散。

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