Studies of Psychology and Behavior ›› 2024, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (4): 538-544.DOI: 10.12139/j.1672-0628.2024.04.015

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How Social Scenes Impact Responding Joint Attention Process in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Chongying WANG1, Yunting LIU*,1(), Ling SUN*,2()   

  1. 1. Nankai University Autism Research Center, School of Sociology, Nankai University, Tianjin 300350
    2. Department of Child and Adolescent Psychology, Tianjin Anding Hospital, Mental Health Center of Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300070
  • Received:2022-02-25 Online:2024-07-20 Published:2024-07-20
  • Contact: Yunting LIU, Ling SUN


王崇颖1, 刘云婷*,1(), 孙凌*,2()   

  1. 1. 南开大学社会学院,南开大学孤独症研究中心,天津 300350
    2. 天津市安定医院儿童青少年心理科,天津医科大学精神卫生中心,天津 300070
  • 通讯作者: 刘云婷, 孙凌
  • 基金资助:


This study aimed to explore how social scenes impact responding joint attention process in children with ASD. Thirty-two ASD children aged 3~6 and forty typically developing (TD) children of the same age participated in two eye-tracking experiments: one involving a person-object social scene and the other an interpersonal social scene. The findings revealed that changes in the intensity of social information had a noticeable impact on the gaze perception of responding joint attention in ASD children compared to TD children. ASD children demonstrated significant impairments in their ability to follow gazes in both types of social situations.

Key words: responding joint attention, social scenes, autism spectrum disorders, gaze perception, gaze following



关键词: 响应性共同注意, 社交情境, 孤独症, 注视知觉, 注视追随