Studies of Psychology and Behavior ›› 2015, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (2): 198-204.

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Reversing the Emotion Congruent Memory on Prospective Memory

Li Fang, Zhang Haiyan, Tian Rui, Ding Liang   

  1. Teacher Educational College, Taishan University, Taian 271021
  • Received:2014-09-15 Online:2015-06-11 Published:2015-03-20


李芳, 张海燕, 田锐, 丁亮   

  1. 泰山学院教师教育学院,泰安 271021
  • 通讯作者: 李芳
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The present study used ″dual task″ paradigm to investigate the emotion congruent memory and the theoretical models of prospective memory. The participants were induced sad, happy or neutral emotion state with the particular film, and then performed the ongoing task and the prospective memory task about emotional words. The results replicated the reverse emotion congruent memory of prospective memory, which the participants' performances of prospective memory were better when the valence of emotional words was evaluated incongruent with the emotion state than when it was congruent with the emotion state. The noticing-search model may explain our results.

Key words: prospective memory, emotion congruent memory, reverse effect

摘要: 采用经典双任务实验范式,探讨前瞻记忆的情绪一致性效应及其理论模型。情绪电影片段诱发被试高兴或悲伤情绪后,观察被试在高兴、悲伤和自然情绪状态下的前瞻记忆任务和当前任务的成绩。结果发现,情绪一致性前瞻记忆出现反转效应,即在高兴背景下前瞻记忆负性词比正性词成绩好,在悲伤背景下前瞻记忆正性词比负性词成绩好。实验结果支持前瞻记忆的注意—搜索模型,不支持自动激活模型。

关键词: 前瞻记忆, 情绪一致性记忆, 反转效应

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