Studies of Psychology and Behavior ›› 2015, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (5): 698-701.

• Original Articles • Previous Articles     Next Articles

An Analysis on Unnatural Deaths of College Students

Yang Zhenbin, Li Yan   

  1. Jilin University, Changchun 130012; Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084
  • Received:2015-08-27 Online:2015-09-29 Published:2015-09-20



  1. 吉林大学,长春 130012清华大学,北京 100084
  • 通讯作者: 李 焰,。

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to identify the features and patterns of unnatural deaths of college students in China. The data of 475 students' unnatural deaths from the key universities of the country during 2006 to 2010 was collected. From the data, the following consequences were observed and concluded: 1)The unnatural-death rate of college students was 4.94 and the suicide rate was 2.37. The percentage of suicides in unnatural deaths was 47.2%. 2)The unnatural-death rate was 4.69 in bachelor's degree students, 5.97 in master's degree students, and 4.82 in doctoral students. The rate in master's degree students was the highest. 3)The unnatural-death rate of college students was much lower than same age group, so was the suicide rate. 4)The reasons of unnatural deaths were classified into five categories including diseases, accidents, purposed death,suicides and unknown reasons. The rate of suicides was the highest among the five. 5)Among the deaths caused by accidents, the percentage of traffic accidents was the highest which was 47.4%. The second highest was accidental drowning. The percentages of the deaths caused by toxicosis, accidental falls, fire and electric shockswere lower. The following measures would be focused on to reduce unnatural death: Providing students with more psychological education and service and intervention for psychological crisis to lower the suicide rate; providing pertinent education to students about how to avoid traffic accidents and be more conscious of self-protection may reduce students' unnatural deaths.

Key words: college student, unnatural death, suicide.

摘要: 以国内部分重点高校2006-2010年非正常死亡的475名学生为基础数据,探索中国大学生非正常死亡现象的特点与规律。结果发现:(1)大学生非正常死亡率(每年每10万人, 下同)为4.94,自杀率为2.37,自杀死亡占非正常死亡的47.2%。(2)本科生非正常死亡率为4.69,硕士生为5.97,博士生为4.82,硕士生非正常死亡率较高。(3)大学生非正常死亡率和自杀率远低于同龄人。(4)把非正常死亡原因分成疾病原因、意外原因、人为原因、自杀、不明原因等五类,其中自杀死亡所占比例最大。(5)在意外原因导致死亡中,因车祸造成的死亡所占比例最大,为47.4%;其次是溺水死亡,因中毒、高坠、火灾、触电等造成的死亡所占比例较少。减少大学生非正常死亡的工作重点是:通过心理危机知识宣传和教育及加强心理危机干预工作,进一步降低自杀率;有针对性地对大学生进行避免交通事故、加强自我防范意识的安全教育,以减少意外伤害死亡。

关键词: 大学生, 非正常死亡, 自杀死亡

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