Studies of Psychology and Behavior ›› 2016, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (2): 277-282.

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The Study of the Feature of the Elevated Social Status Perceived by the Female Users of Micro-finance

Dai Yun   

  1. Faculty of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072
  • Received:2015-09-08 Online:2016-04-12 Published:2016-03-20



  1. 天津大学管理与经济学部,天津 300072
  • 通讯作者: 戴 蕴,。

Abstract: This paper is devoted to research the features of the elevated social status perceived by the female users of micro-finance. The female group of different educational levels, household register and ages has been studied. The Questionnaire of the Female Self-perception of the Elevated Social Status has been designed and used among 162 women obtaining the micro-finance in 18 areas of Tianjin City. It is found that the elevated social status perceived by the female users of micro-finance is mainly reflected in the familiar relationship and the social efficacy of the individual. More specifically, those women with the education higher than high school have obtained a higher score for various dimensions regarding the self-perceived elevation of social status. There is not a remarkable difference of age for the self-perceived elevation of social status among those non-agricultural-household women, which is the otherwise for the agricultural-household women. It is mainly reflected in the total score of social status and the social efficacy of the individual. The above results suggested that after the microcredit, women's self perceived social status was significantly improved, but the female users of micro-finance with different education level, household register and age would have certain distinction in self perception of the elevated social status.

Key words: women's micro-finance, self-perceived social status, education levels household register, age

摘要: 研究小额信贷女性受众自我感知到的由信贷带来的社会地位的提升特点以及不同教育程度、户籍、年龄的差异。编制并使用《妇女自我感知社会地位提升问卷》,对天津市18个区县162名获得小额信贷的女性进行调查。结果表明:小额信贷女性受众自我感知社会地位提升主要体现在家庭成员关系以及个人社会效能感方面;高中及以上受教育程度的女性在自我感知社会地位各维度的得分较高;非农业户籍女性社会地位提升感知没有显著的年龄差异,而农业户籍女性年龄差异显著,体现在社会地位总分及个人社会效能感方面。以上结果表明,小额信贷后女性受众自我感知到社会地位有明显提升,但不同教育程度、户籍、年龄的女性有一定的差别。

关键词: 妇女小额信贷, 自我感知社会地位, 受教育程度, 户籍, 年龄。

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