The Basic Features and Patterns of Character Strengths among Children and Adolescents in China
Liu Xu, Lv Yanhong, Ma Qiuping, Guo Fei, Yan Xiaojing, Ji Linqin
2016, 14(2):
The present study was aimed to investigate the basic features and patterns of character strength among Chinese children and adolescents on a sample of 947 children and adolescents. Results showed that, among 24 character strengths, the top five on which children and adolescents have the highest scores were leadership, beliefs, prudence, modesty, and integrity, the top five on which children and adolescents have the lowest scores were humorous, kindness, gratitude, forgiveness, and curiosity. Boys scored higher on curiosity than girls, while girls scored higher on social intelligence and self-control than boys. There was no significant gender differences on other character strengths; Significant grade differences were found on all character strengths except creativity, faith, judgment, prudence, self control. Latent profile analysis indicated three patterns of character strengths among Chinese children and adolescents. The three patterns were above average group, a little less than the mean of the group and lower than average group. The distribution of three patterns of character strength did not show differences in gender and grade.