Studies of Psychology and Behavior ›› 2016, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (4): 568-576.

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An Exploration of Sentence Processing on the Basic of Semantic Illusion Effect

Ma Xie1,2, Hu Na1, Chen Rui1,2, Wang Xiaoxi3, Wang Kai1, Liu Yan4   

  1. 1 College of Educational Science and Management, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500;
    2 Key Laboratory of Educational Informatization for Nationalities, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500;
    3 College of Preschool Education and Special Education, Kunming University, Kunming, 650500;
    4 Faculty of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Kunming University of Science and Technology;
    Kunming 650500
  • Received:2016-03-18 Online:2016-07-25 Published:2016-07-20


马谐1,2, 胡娜1, 陈睿1,2, 王晓曦3, 王凯1, 刘艳4   

  1. 1 云南师范大学教育科学与管理学院,昆明 650000;
    2 云南师范大学民族教育信息化教育部重点实验室,昆明 650000;
    3 昆明学院学前与特殊教育学院,昆明 650000;
    4 昆明理工大学外国语言文化学院,昆明 650000
  • 通讯作者: 刘艳,

Abstract: Semantic Illusion Effect indicates that semantic-plausible illusion occurs when readers process semantically anomalous sentences and the errors could only be recognized when the sentence was reprocessed. This phenomenon, in which a semantically thematic anomalous, syntactically well-formed sentence elicits a P600 effect, but no N400 effect, called the Semantic Illusion Effect. This phenomenon challenged the traditional theory of sentence processing and the functional role of N400 component and P600 component. On the basis of exploring the Semantic Illusion Effect, researchers have proposed several models, each model proposed different architecture with different semantic/syntactic streams and illustrated the relationship between them in a brand-new perspective. They also reinterpreted the functional role of N400 and P600. There were different perspectives on N400, such as ″integration″ view and ″lexical pre-activation″ view. The P600 was seen as a component reflecting aspects of combinatorial processing, not just simple syntactic processing. We propose that future research should focus on lexical semantic relationship, similarity between P600 and P3 and cross-linguistic differences in Language processing.

Key words: semantic illusion effect, syntax, semantics, P600, N400.

摘要: “语义错觉效应”是指读者在加工某些语义违例句子时,会暂时性地产生语义合理错觉,而只有通过继续加工或者再加工才能辨别出错误的现象,在脑电成分上表现为没有出现N400效应,却出现P600效应。“语义错觉效应”对传统的句子加工理论模型以及N400和P600的特异性功能意义提出了质疑。研究者在讨论此效应的基础上提出了多个句子加工模型,各模型对语义和句法加工的过程进行了探索,对语义和句法通道的关系做出了新的阐述,并对N400和P600的功能意义做出了新的解读。目前研究对N400功能的解释存在语义整合观和词汇激活观的分歧,而对P600功能的解释则从传统的句法功能转换到了更宽泛的加工过程。未来研究应关注词汇语义关系和跨语言差异,以期进一步揭示句子加工的认知及神经机制。

关键词: 语义错觉效应, 句法, 语义, P600, N400。

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