Studies of Psychology and Behavior ›› 2023, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (2): 169-176.DOI: 10.12139/j.1672-0628.2023.02.004

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The Interplay Between Honorific Processing and Syntactic Category Processing: ERPs to Written Mandarin Chinese

JI Liyan1, JI Aiai2   

  1. 1. School of Psychology, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350117;
    2. Mental Health Education Center, Tiangong University, Tianjin 300387
  • Received:2022-06-10 Online:2023-03-20 Published:2023-03-20


纪丽燕1, 冀爱爱2   

  1. 1. 福建师范大学心理学院, 福州 350117;
    2. 天津工业大学心理健康教育中心, 天津 300387
  • 通讯作者: 纪丽燕,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Using event-related potentials (ERPs), we examined how pragmatic information relevant to interlocutor identity interacts with syntactic category processing during Chinese sentence comprehension. We used a full factorial design that crossed pragmatic consistency with syntactic category coherence of a noun phrase (NP). The results showed that the interaction between syntactic category and the correctness of pragmatic was significant. The ERP effects for pragmatic violation could only be observed when the syntactic category was coherent. Pragmatic violation elicited a sustained positivity in a subset of the participants, half of the participants showed a LAN and late negativity for pragmatic violation. Taken together, these results suggest that the processing of syntactic category processing has a function primacy over pragmatic processing. Furthermore, the strategy of resolving the pragmatic violation and the corresponding brain activities varies according to participants’ pragmatic abilities.

Key words: word category, second person pronoun, honorifics, pragmatic, event-related potentials

摘要: 采用事件相关电位(ERPs)技术,通过同时操纵名词短语中听话人社会地位和话语中第二人称代词形式“你/您”的一致性以及名词短语中词类的一致性,考察句子理解过程中敬语加工和词类加工的交互作用。研究结果显示,在词类一致条件下,敬语违反在高语用能力组诱发P600,低语用能力组诱发左侧前部负波(LAN)和晚期负活动;词类违反的条件下,两组被试中均没有发现和敬语违反加工相关的ERP效应,词类违反和词类−敬语双重违反在两组被试中均诱发P600效应。结果表明,在语言理解过程中,敬语的加工必须在成功的、基于词类的短语结构建构的基础上进行;敬语一致性的加工策略受到个体语用能力的调节。

关键词: 词类, 第二人称代词, 敬语, 语用, 事件相关电位

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