Studies of Psychology and Behavior ›› 2024, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (5): 617-625.DOI: 10.12139/j.1672-0628.2024.05.006

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The Effect of Envy on Item Memory and Associative Memory in Directed Forgetting

YIN Yuanhua1, SUN Ying1, WENG Chaoting2, WANG Can1, CHEN Ning1, LIU Wei1   

  1. 1. School of Psychology, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234;
    2. Shanghai Kangcheng School, Shanghai 201612
  • Received:2024-05-12 Online:2024-09-20 Published:2024-09-20


尹元花1, 孙影1, 翁超婷2, 王灿1, 陈宁1, 刘伟1   

  1. 1. 上海师范大学心理学院,上海 200234;
    2. 上海康城学校,上海 201612
  • 通讯作者: 陈宁,;刘伟,

Abstract: Two experiments were conducted to investigate the influence of envy on the directed forgetting of dominant others information in item memory and associative memory, and to determine the moderating effect of the degree of affinity and information valence between individuals and dominant others. The results was that, for item materials, the directed forgetting effect showed only for positive valence information in the acquaintance group, but for both types of valence information in the stranger group and the control group. In the association material, the directed forgetting effect only appeared in the control group, but not for the two valences information in the acquaintance group nor in the stranger group. Moreover, compared with the stranger group, the acquaintance group had a higher degree of envy and a shorter reaction time on recognition of information related to the dominant person. These results suggest that envy leads to bias in processing information about dominant others, which interferes the directed forgetting of information, especially for associative information that requires processing deeply.

Key words: envy, directed forgetting, item memory, associative memory

摘要: 使用项目法定向遗忘范式,通过两个实验,探讨妒忌情绪对优势对象信息在项目记忆和联结记忆中定向遗忘的影响,并确定个体与优势对象的亲疏程度、信息效价的调节作用。结果表明,对于项目材料,定向遗忘效应在熟人组只对积极效价信息出现,而在陌生人组和控制组中两种效价信息均存在;在联结材料中,仅在控制组中出现定向遗忘效应,而熟人组和陌生人组中两种效价信息均未出现定向遗忘效应,且相对于陌生人组,熟人组妒忌情绪程度更高,对优势对象相关信息再认反应时也更短。以上结果表明,妒忌情绪导致对优势对象信息的加工偏向,从而干扰了对信息的定向遗忘,这在需要更深层加工的联结信息中更甚。

关键词: 妒忌, 定向遗忘, 项目记忆, 联结记忆

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