Studies of Psychology and Behavior ›› 2016, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (2): 162-166.

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The Feature of Inhibition of Return in the Aged Under the Emotion of Anxious

Jiao Jiangli1, Liuyi1, Wen Suxia1, Ma Aihui2   

  1. 1 Xinjiang Normal University the Department of Psychology, Urumqi 830054;
    2 The Hospital of White Bu and Street Office in the City of Pingdu of Shandong Province, Pingdu 266701
  • Received:2015-08-10 Online:2016-04-12 Published:2016-03-20



  1. 1 新疆师范大学教育科学学院心理系,乌鲁木齐 830054
    2 山东省平度市同和街道办事处白埠卫生院,平度 266701
  • 通讯作者: 闻素霞,。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the feature of location-based and color-based inhibition of return in the aged under the emotion of anxious. Subjects were 22 anxious aged and 21 normal aged. The experiment was designed by the software of E-prime, using the form of inhibition for return, and the task of subjects was to discriminate the color of the target, they should press the key as soon as possible. The software recorded reaction times and errors automatic. Results: 1)Location-based inhibition of return was appeared both in anxiety aged and normal aged, and the two groups showed no significant difference on IOR effect. 2)Color-based IOR appeared in the normal aged but not in anxious aged, and two groups showed significant difference on effect. The negative emotion of anxious effected the color-based IOR in aged, but not in location-based IOR.

Key words: anxious, aged, inhibition of return

摘要: 考察焦虑情绪状态对老年个体基于位置和基于颜色返回抑制的影响。被试为22名焦虑老年者和21名正常老年者,实验为E-prime软件编程、返回抑制为范式的行为实验。实验任务要求被试辨别靶刺激的颜色,记录被试反应时和错误率。结果:(1)焦虑组老年者和正常组老年者均出现了基于位置的返回抑制,且两组效应量差异不显著。(2)正常老年组出现了基于颜色的返回抑制,焦虑老年组并未出现该效应,且两组的效应量差异显著。因此,焦虑作为一种负性的情绪状态,影响了老年组被试基于颜色特征返回抑制的出现,导致被试对于相同颜色的抑制失败,而基于位置特征返回抑制的出现却没有影响。

关键词: 焦虑, 老年者, 返回抑制。

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