Studies of Psychology and Behavior ›› 2016, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (3): 325-330.

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4 to 6 Years Old Children′s Fair Intention Development Research

Dong Shenghong1,2, Zheng Hailin1,2, Wang Yan3, Yu Qiaoling1   

  1. 1 School of psychology, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang 330022;
    2 Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Psychology and Cognitive Science, Nanchang 330022;
    3 Research Center of Preschool Education, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang 330022
  • Received:2015-10-02 Online:2016-06-06 Published:2016-05-20



  1. 1 江西师范大学心理学院,南昌 330022;
    2 江西省心理与认知科学重点实验室,南昌 330022;
    3 江西师范大学学前教育研究中心,南昌 330022
  • 通讯作者: 董圣鸿,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Fairness behavior is an important part of children′s moral development. We used the game to investigate the development of the 4 to 6 years old children′s fairness behavior and intention. Previous related researches took large span of children′s age and research paradigm which were not suitable to the preschool children′s cognitive characteristics, so we selected 108 children aged 4 to 6 as subjects, we used the dictator game in the experiment 1)and used the improved version of the mini ultimatum game in the experiment 2)Respectively from the angle of the proposer and responder to examine the development of children′s fair intention. The following results were obtained: 4 year old children already have the fairness behavior and intention, but whether the distribution result is fair or not is more important when they make decisions. It is a critical period for the development of the fairness intention when children between 5 to 6 year old.

Key words: fairness intention, dictator game, ultimatum game, preschool children

摘要: 公平行为是儿童道德发展的重要内容。本研究采取博弈实验范式来考察学龄前儿童公平意图的发展情况。以往对儿童公平意图的博弈研究中,选取的儿童年龄跨度大且研究范式并不适应学龄前儿童的认知特点,而学龄前期可能正是公平意图开始发生及发展的时期。因此本研究选取108名4-6岁学龄前儿童,在实验一中采用独裁者博弈(DG),实验二中改进mini-最后通牒博弈(mini-UG),分别从提议者和回应者的角度考察学龄前儿童公平意图的发展情况。结果表明:4岁儿童已经能初步辨识对方的公平意图,但分配结果的公平性在他们行为决策时占的比重更大;5到6岁期间公平意图的影响更大,是儿童公平意图发展的一个关键时期。

关键词: 公平意图, 独裁者博弈, 最后通牒博弈, 学龄前儿童

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