Studies of Psychology and Behavior ›› 2016, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (2): 283-288.

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The Study-Time Allocation of Agenda-Based Regulation

Xie Ruibo1,2, Lu Lu1, Li Weijian1   

  1. 1 Institute of Psychology, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004;
    2 Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875
  • Received:2014-09-15 Online:2016-04-12 Published:2016-03-20



  1. 1 浙江师范大学心理研究所,金华 321004
    2 北京师范大学,北京 100875
  • 通讯作者: 李伟健,。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Study-time allocation is a core aspect in the field of self-regulated learning' research. Dunlosky et al.(2009)proposed agenda-based regulation framework. This explains the internal mechanisms of study-time allocation from the perspective of information processing, that learners develop an agenda on how to allocate time to various study items and use this agenda when selecting items for study. Agenda that is, learning plans. A large number of recent studies support the agenda-based regulation. At the same time, some studies also examined the relationship between agenda-driven and habitual processes. In the future we should think highly of dual-processing mechanisms of the conscious and unconscious in allocating of study time and improving the ecological validity of research. As an advanced cognitive activity, decision-making weighing is affected by individual variables such as motive and working memory capacity, which also need higher attention and research.

Key words: study-time allocation, agenda-based regulation model, decision-making weighing, habitual processes

摘要: 作为学习时间分配研究热点的基于议程调节模型认为,学习者是在学习目标的指导下,建构并执行议程来进行学习时间分配。议程即学习计划,是学习时间分配的驱动力。该模型强调学习者在自我调节学习过程中有意识的进行着学习效益最大化的权衡决策来实现学习目标,包容了以往学习时间分配的经典理论。大量的新近研究支持了基于议程调节模型,并深入地探讨了议程驱动与习惯性反应之间的关系。 未来的研究应进一步考察学习时间分配权衡过程中的意识和无意识双加工机制,探讨个体变量对学习时间分配议程建构的权衡机制的影响,并在更加生态化的情境中考察学习时间分配议程建构的权衡机制。

关键词: 学习时间分配, 基于议程调节模型, 权衡决策观, 习惯性反应。

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