Studies of Psychology and Behavior ›› 2016, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (4): 492-500.

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Emotional Intelligence as a Moderator in the Mental Mechanism of Emotional Exhaustion among Preschool Teachers: From the Perspective of Work-Family Conflict

Li Yongzhan   

  1. Teacher Education College, Pingdingshan University, Pingdingshan 467000
  • Received:2015-05-20 Online:2016-07-25 Published:2016-07-20



  1. 平顶山学院教师教育学院,平顶山 467000
  • 通讯作者: 李永占,。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: The study aimed to explore the moderating role of Emotional Intelligence in the relationship between Work Family Conflict and Emotional Exhaustion among preschool teachers. Two hundred and seventy preschool teachers participated in the questionnaire investigation. The result showed that: 1)The preschool teachers′ emotional exhaustion was in the medium level of burning out. The teachers′ emotional exhaustion levels were significantly different in gender, marital status, teaching class and years of teaching. Specifically, the male teachers′ emotional exhaustion levels were significantly higher than the female teachers′; The married teachers′ emotional exhaustion levels were significantly higher than the unmarried teachers′; The emotional exhaustion levels of the teachers teaching small class were significantly higher than that of the teachers teaching large class; The teachers with 6~10 years teaching experience were exposed to higher levels of emotional exhaustion than the teachers with less than 5 years and more than 11 years teaching experience. 2)the preschool teachers′ Work-Family Conflict had positive correlation with Emotional Intelligence, while negatively correlated with Emotional Intelligence. 3)Emotional Intelligence played a moderating role in the relationship between Work Family Conflict and Emotional Exhaustion among preschool teachers.

Key words: work-family conflict, emotional exhaustion, emotional intelligence, preschool teachers.

摘要: 以270名幼儿教师为被试,采用问卷调查法,探讨了情绪智力在工作家庭冲突对情感耗竭影响中的调节效应。结果表明:(1)幼儿教师情感耗竭处于中等倦怠水平。教师情感耗竭在性别、婚姻状态、所带班级、教龄方面差异显著。男教师情感耗竭水平显著高于女教师;已婚教师情感耗竭水平显著高于未婚教师;带小班的教师情感耗竭水平显著高于带大班的教师;6~10年教龄的教师情感耗竭水平显著高于5年以下及11年以上教龄的教师。(2)幼儿教师工作干扰家庭(WIF)和家庭干扰工作(FIW)与情绪智力呈负相关,而与情感耗竭呈正相关;情绪智力与情感耗竭呈负相关。(3)幼儿教师情绪智力在工作家庭冲突对工作倦怠的影响中发挥显著的缓冲作用。

关键词: 工作家庭冲突, 情感耗竭, 情绪智力, 幼儿教师。

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