How Category Use Impacts Category Typicality Effect
Tao Yun, Wang Xiaoxi, Liu Yan, Ma Xie, Chen Rui, Li Siqi
2017, 15(1):
ERPs technique were employed to explore how category use affects the category typicality effect. Inclusion and exclusion judgment were adopted in two experiment groups respectively in order to control the category use goal. The results were, 1)there was no significant difference in Accuracy(ACC)between two groups, while the exclusion group was significantly faster than inclusion group in terms of the Reaction Time(RT). And material property effect was significant in both ACC and RT, nonmember held the highest ACC and the fastest RT with typical exemplars as the second, and atypical exemplars the last. 2)N2 was significantly larger in the inclusion group, while interaction of classification method and material property were marginally significant, indicating that both category use and material property impact the early cognitive processing. 3)N400 waves were related to typicality effects in past studies suggesting that typical item elicit the lowest N400 wave. In the present study, typical items in the inclusion group also elicited the lowest N400 wave, whereas typical items elicited the highest N400 wave in the exclusion group. Thus, typicality effects reversed in the exclusion group. The results suggested that, the operational mechanism of inclusion and exclusion judgments was different, with exclusion judgment easier than inclusion. Category use affected category representation in early cognitive processing period; and the typicality effect was determined by both category use and material property.