The Establishment and Application of Contemporary Pupils′ Ideal Questionnaire
Yao Benxian, Wang Lian, Quan Lijuan, Zhou Xiao
2015, 13(6):
To examine the structure of contemporary pupils′ ideal and situation, this study aims to establishing contemporary pupils′ ideal questionnaire and carrying out the investigation for 500 pupils in nine provinces of China. The results showed that contemporary pupils′ ideal questionnaire included seven aspects such as self, social, moral, life, body, occupational and academic. Aspects the reliability and validity of contemporary pupils′ ideal questionnaire were good. In addition, the results also showed that contemporary pupils′ seven types of ideal were guite high, and female pupils′ moral, life, body and academic ideals were higher than male pupils. Comparing to pupils at five and six grade, the body, occupational and academic ideal at three and four grade were higher and self ideal was lower. Moreover, comparing to pupils who are not only child, pupils who are only child have higher self, social, moral and life ideals, and lower academic ideal.