Dispositional Awe Positively Predicts Prosocial Tendencies: Multiple Mediation Effects of Self-Transcendence and Empathy
LUO Li, YANG Dong, CHEN Shengdong, GAO Wei, CHEN Yongqiang, YUAN Jiajin
2022, 20(3):
DOI: 10.12139/j.1672-0628.2022.03.015
Awe has an impact on individuals’ spiritual world to achieve self-transcendence and makes them pay more attention to the needs of others. The purpose of the study is to explore the mechanism underlying the link between awe and prosocial tendencies from the perspective of self-transcendence and empathy. We surveyed 1347 college students using Dispositional Awe Scale, Self-Transcendence Questionnaire, Interpersonal Reactivity Index, and Prosocial Tendencies Measure. The results of path analysis and bootstrap analysis showed that: 1) awe was significantly correlated with self-transcendence, empathy, and prosocial tendencies; 2) awe positively predicted prosocial tendencies via self-transcendence and empathy serially. These results further deepen the understanding of the relationship between awe and prosociality, which suggests that awe might promote individuals’ self-transcendence, and that high self-transcendence might increase empathy for others and consequently prosocial tendencies.