Effect of Feedback Value on Family Resemble Category Learning:An ERPs Study
XING Qiang, SUN Hailong, CHE Jingshang
2018, 16(3):
Using event related potential (ERPs), college students were used as participants, and the effect of feedback valence (positive feedback, negative feedback) on the family resemblance category learning was designed and tested. The results showed that, in behavioral level, participants in the negative feedback group get higher test scores than those in positive feedback group; in physiological level, that four kinds of ERPs were evoked by negative feedback and positive feedback, they were P200, P300, and FRN respectively. Feedback presented after 300~400 ms, correct the negative feedback on the reaction conditions than under conditions induce positive feedback correction P300. Feedback presented after 200-300 ms, the reaction to errors and negative feedback positive feedback under both induce production of FRN, and FRN under negative feedback was significantly greater than average volatility under positive feedback. Therefore, in studying family resemblance material, negative feedback is more effective, error-driven play a greater role.