The Cognitive and Neural Mechanisms of Obstacle Affecting Individual Motion in Continuous Reach Motion
BAI Xuejun, ZHANG Qihan, ZHAO Guang, SUN Hongjin, CHEN Yixin, SUN Shinan, ZHANG Peng, SONG Lu, YANG Yu, YUAN Sheng
2019, 17(2):
To study the influence of obstacles on individual movement track in continuous reach motion, in this study, we collected and analyzed the movement track and cerebral cortex activity data of 20 undergraduate who completed the continuous reach motion in the presence or absence of obstacles, with motion capture system and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). The results show that when there are obstacles in the process of continuous motion, the average motion height of the individual in the peripheral motion interval is higher, compared to the absence of obstacles; specifically the effect of obstacles on the height of motion in the back interval is significantly higher than that in the preceding interval. Additionally, the bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal and bilateral pars opercularis of Broca's area show significant decrease in activation in the presence of obstacles, compared to the absence of obstacles, and there is a significant negative correlation between the effect of obstacle on the average motor height and the activation of the right dorsolateral prefrontal and right pars opercularis of Broca's area. These findings imply that the obstacle affects the individual's motion track in the forward and back movement interval, and the brain regions including dorsolateral prefrontal and pars opercularis of Broca's area are involved in this process. These findings support the view that Object Affordance and Reuse of Previous Movement Plans.