“Talking About Money Hurts Feelings”? The Influence of Sociality Mental Modes on Charitable Donation
ZHONG Yiping, LI Mei, LI Jin, ZHAN Youlong
2019, 17(3):
People often get along with others in different sociality mental modes——communal mode and market mode. Picture prime is used to investigate whether sociality mental modes can affect the charitable donation. In Experiment 1, we explore the effects of sociality mental modes and the costs on charitable donation. The results show that charitable donation is not affected by sociality mental modes in the low-cost and the medium-cost condition. In the high-cost condition, market mode is lower than communal mode and control group. However, there is no difference between communal mode and control group. In Experiment 2, we explore the effects of sociality mental modes and donor relationship on charitable donation. The results show that the donation is decreased progressively in high self-related charities, middle self-related charities and low self-related charities in the communal mode and control group. However, in the market mode, the donation is the highest in high self-related charities. There is little difference between middle self-related charities and low self-related charities. These results reveal that sociality mental modes impact charitable donation. People in market mode are inclined to focus on the personal costs and benefits, and weaken the individual's pro-social behavior motivation. But cost can moderate the effects of sociality mental modes on charitable donation. In the market model, people in market mode perception of social relations are more alienated.