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    2004年, 第2卷, 第3期
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    全选选: 隐藏/显示图片
    Eye Movements, Cognitive Processes, and Reading
    Keith Rayner
    2004, 2(3):  482-488. 
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    In this article, I briefly review research on the size of the perceptual span in reading and on lexical effects on fixation times in reading. For readers of English, the perceptual span extends from the beginning of the currently fixated word(but no more than 3~4 letters to the left of fixation)to about 14~15 letters to the right of fixation. For readers of Chinese, the span extends about 1 character to the left of fixation to about 3 characters to the right. For readers of English, variables like frequency and predictability have strong influences on how long the eyes remain fixated on a word. We know far less about which variables most influence fixation times for Chinese. Finally, the E-Z Reader model can account for lots of eye movement data for readers of English. The issue of whether E-Z Reader could account for the eye movement data of readers of Chinese is discussed.
    Future Directions for Eye Movement Research
    Keith Rayner
    2004, 2(3):  489-496. 
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    It is argued that research on eye movements has now entered a fourth general era. Each of the four eras is briefly reviewed, and research findings related to eye movements during reading, scene perception, and visual search are discussed. Future directions for research in each of these areas and research in other domains involving eye movements are also discussed.
    What Eye Movements Tell About Identifying Compound Words in Reading and Top-Down Effects in Reading Long Texts
    Jukka Hyönä
    2004, 2(3):  497-504. 
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    Two lines of research on eye movements in reading are summarized. One line of research examines how adult readers identify compound words during reading. The other line of research deals with how a specific reading goal influences the way long expository texts are read. Both lines of research are conducted using Finnish as the source language. With respect to the first research question, it is demonstrated that compound words are recognized either holistically or via their components, depending on the length of the compound word. Readers begin to process whatever information is readily available in the foveal vision(i.e., either the whole-word form or the initial component). The second line of research demonstrates that(1)a specific reading goal is capable of exerting an early effect on readers' eye fixation patterns,(2)time course analyses based on eye movement patterns can reveal interesting individual differences, and(3)working memory capacity is linked to the efficiency to strategically allocate attention as well as to encode information to and retrieve it from the long-term memory. It is concluded that the eye-tracking technique is an excellent research tool to tap into the workings of the human mind during the comprehension of written texts.
    Reading Text Under Normal and Disappearing Presentation Conditions
    Simon P. Liversedge
    2004, 2(3):  505-512. 
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    In this article I discuss data from a series of experiments in which readers' eye movements were recorded as they processed sentences in which each word disappeared or was masked 60ms after fixation onset. We used this paradigm to investigate whether we could induce a gap effect during reading, and how visual and linguistic factors affected eye movements under these conditions. The data showed that no gap effect occurred in our experiment. Overall reading times were the same under normal and disappearing presentation conditions. However, readers did adopt a strategy of making fewer but longer fixations when the text disappeared than when it did not. Additionally, clear frequency effects occurred regardless of whether the text was presented normally or disappeared. This finding indicates that while the visual uptake of information is important, cognitive processes associated with the lexical identification of words are a primary influence on when readers move their eyes during reading. The findings are taken to support the E-Z Reader model of eye movement control.
    2004, 2(3):  513-518. 
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    2004, 2(3):  519-523. 
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    2004, 2(3):  524-528. 
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    2004, 2(3):  529-533. 
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    2004, 2(3):  534-538. 
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    2004, 2(3):  539-544. 
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    2004, 2(3):  545-548. 
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    2004, 2(3):  549-554. 
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    2004, 2(3):  555-560. 
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